I have glassed the conduit onto the Starboard inside hull bow after having glued and bogged it earlier in the day. I carefully removed the screws holding the conduit in place as the glue and bog was still wet so whilst it was held in place ok the glue was green and only a few hours old (and in this weather not set at all) so a decent push or pull would have moved it. In fact I already had the first glass tape on and removed the screws by lifting the first tape up near the screws then smoothing it back down.
I coved in the usual way, applying it on with a flat edge trowel in a straight flat edge from panel to end of conduit as neatly as I could but being wet and fairly wide it pulls a wave behind the trowel that creates a bit of a trough. This wont effect the glass but will need to be faired out with the bog. I then make a corner as best I can with some filler that has gone off a little (so I wait to do this until just before glassing) so it is more like plasticine.
While I waited for the coving to go off I glued the catwalk together. Once that is set (tomorrow) I will glass it, then start on the stiffening frame underneath.
Then I glassed the conduit wet on wet after giving the coving a while to harden. I use the detail roller to ensure good contact between the glass and the conduit and cove and then again with the second layer of glass. After smoothing the fill under the glass with the detail roller the corner starts to look ok and any irregularities will be fixed with bog.