With the port sump lid done I move back to the starboard hull to glue and glass the sump top in so that I could build the furniture above it and glass that all in. It was a fairly simple process as I had already done the mirror of this furniture in the port hull and was I did that work I made the mirror parts for the starboard hull so it was just a case of following the same process as I did in the port hull.
I still have some way to go to catch the starboard hull up to the port hull. In the port hull the room forward of the bedroom is a closet and the furniture is pretty much finished in there, save for fitting the drawers and doors and the wrap around hanging rail. In the starboard hull this room is the ensuite, I have done the under sole plumbing and the panels for the furniture including a curved front vanity, but I have yet to glass it all in because I still have some above sole plumbing to do including fitting the toilet behind the ensuite.
So I made a start on it. I have started by making a cardboard template of the bench top extension I intend to fit, as I did in the port hull but I may leave that until I have faired the inside of the ensuite and also because on Jo’s suggestion I may have that shelf made from perspex rather than a solid top. But setting the shape is fun, even though I still have some work to do on it. I need it to accommodate the door opening so it cant mirror exactly the vanity but the idea is to do that. I am conscious that I dont want to make a small room unnecessarily smaller but I think we can pull it off. Form and function.