Four hours work today although only 3 of them were spent sanding. I took regular (about every 15 minutes I had 5 minutes off) breaks. I managed to sand about 3/4’s of the hull. I have sanded all but the large inboard middle hull panel. I figure I have about another hour or so of sanding to finish this coat. I should be able to get the final coat of highbuild applied on Monday. I had the time and the energy to finish the sanding on this coat today but my arms were just too sore. Why push so hard when I am under no real time pressure to finish and I already feel I am ahead of schedule on this hull. I am (despite the sanding) really enjoying the build and part of that enjoyment is working when I want to and not when I don’t.
Tomorrow I will do the last hour of sanding and then vacuum and wash the hull again.
I am very happy with the finish on this hull and I feel that the final coat of highbuild will barely need sanding.