With the cabin now on the boat the last external task is the rear steps to complete the shape of the boat. (I still need to fit the starboard dagger case and then glue and glass both into the hulls and then glue and glass the hull to deck turn onto the boat) and once the steps are done there will just be the shaped bows (but I wont be doing these until very near to finished once the boat is turned and moved into position to get it out (I may not be able to turn it if I put the noses on sooner). But for now the rear steps including provision (and maybe even the construction) for the kick up rudders. The rear steps also means the duckboard (I am raising the duckboard up from deck height to the seat height building hatches under it) will be added and to finish the seal up, the last of the cockpit side decks will be added. If I can achieve all of this in February is unlikely but that is the plan. This is another self fabrication so it will be slow going as I work out all of the angles and risers and achieve the shape and look I want and the direction of the steps, another personalisation of the design to make it uniquely ours.