Sometimes small things make a huge difference. Just cutting the door out of the starboard aft wall and dry fitting it again made a huge difference. Being able to step through that door and get a feel about how the bedroom will work with the walls in place makes all the difference. The uni rope had set and needed to be trimmed and cleaned up around the edges. Here and there I will need to fill small voids but overall a very good finish. I also cleaned up the leading edge of the wall. This will eventually have a door abutted to it hinged off a rail that will be in the cabinet directly adjacent to it inside the cabinet.
The panel needed to be curved or have an angled corner in it so that it changes from the angle it comes in off the stairwell at into the front of the cabinet that runs parallel to the bulkhead. This was about as easy as it gets. A single kerf on the inside of the panel so that at the bend the gap opens, filler was pushed into the gap whilst the panel was held at the angle required and a tape over the join to set at the correct angle. From start to finish that took about an hour.
I am now just deciding if it will be easier to build the electronics cabinet in first then tape this bulkhead in or the other way around. I still have to cut a small section out of the bottom of that panel at the leading edge in order to create the recessed kickboard and that wont become apparent until the cabinet is in place. All high visual impact stuff and very satisfying.
I also cut the plywood discs that will get glassed into the de-cored section around the mast. But I didn’t have time to glue them in and hopefully I will get that done tomorrow, or perhaps I will wait for the weekend and glue and glass them in all at once. Sometimes it is easier to glass wet on wet sometimes it is easier to let the glue set and sand it back to smooth before glassing. It wont make any difference to the strength so it comes down to what is easier. I will clean out the de-cored section and see if there is a ridge at all, if there is, then it will be easier to let it set then sand it smooth, if there isn’t or is a slight depression (the ply disc is slightly lower than the surrounding area) then it might be easier to lift the ply to the correct height with glue then glass it whilst wet. Either way, I am hoping to have the glass mast load spreading pad which consists of 4 discs of 457gsm double bias glass starting with one 800mm all around from the centre of the mast, then 600mm then 400mm then 200mm from centre so 400mm across. Then the final things that will need to be done before the hulls can be faired is for the dagger cases to be glassed on to the side decks.