Today I made the final preparations for strip planking this weekend. I clamped together 3 of the now full length x 300mm planks and ran a power circular saw with a fence on to 40mm and ran off planks ready for planking.
All of the temp bulkheads are in place, the planks are ripped and ready to attach. I have mdf strips ready to pull the planks tight to each other and a pack of icy-pole sticks to act as spacers between each plank so I can get glue in between them at my leisure. If there is enough people you can butter up a plank then place another plank against it and clear the excess glue that comes out, but if there is only one of you it is easier to attach the planks with a small gap and then use a trowel to push glue into the gaps. So everything is ready to go. I will attach the planks dry then glue them once the whole area is planked. So hopefully one side will get done this weekend.