With everything moved into the new shed, the first task is to put everything, including the hulls into the best place to work for the next 3 years. We literally finished clearing the old shed and handing back the keys yesterday. I managed to save a months rent on the old place (my lease was until the end of April) as a new tenant is moving in on Monday, but to do so we basically dumped everything we moved to the new shed anywhere to get the job done in time. Fortunately everything can be moved including the joined hulls but the better I lay it out now, the easier life will be and the faster work will proceed. I have decided to join the hulls parallel to the shed. There is more room to move around the hull, and there will be more room to work on the hull to deck planking and for faring and painting and just generally moving around the boat.
I have also decided to make a long flat table along the long back wall alongside the hull. Warren and I collected some un needed timber from a yard nearby (with permission!) and I bought 3 sheets of 20mm flooring chipboard, 900mm wide and 3600mm long each for a 10.8 meter table. We have made the table 900mm high. This is a good height to work at (the same as kitchen benches). Once completed, levelled and braced Warren is going to make himself a new dagger board, I may make mine at the same time.