Mixing glue is probably the one job that will remain consistent from start of the boat until it is finished. So getting it right is fairly important because if you get it wrong the first time you will most likely be doing it wrong for the whole boat, and that could be diabolical. I am […]
For those unfamiliar with how a modern kit catamaran is built, ours is made from pre-fabricated panels called Duflex from a company called ATL composites which is balsa wood core fibreglassed both sides at manufacture in 2400x1200x16mm panels (the thickness varies with the requirement, bulkheads are 25mm) which then have computerised router cuts in them that […]
The Strongback is made from second hand 150mm x 50mm hardwood, 40 metres at $8 per lineal metre so a total cost of $320 plus $80 to deliver the 80km so not a bad deal. It is recommended to use second hand timber for 2 reasons, first it is cheaper but more importantly as seasoned […]
After weeks of “other” engagements we finally got the time to order the timber for the strongback, after a false start on the weekend. A local timber recycler thought he had what we needed but it turned out he didn’t but fortunately we found another used timber recycler about an hour away in Cessnock. So […]
We have received the kit parts and have all the material we need to build a hull and deck to lock up. The only additional requirement will be some tools, timber for the strongback (the frame on which the hulls will be made) and all the fixtures and fittings and Gelcoat when she is fully […]
We paid for our plans in January this year with the intention of leasing a warehouse to run our small business from and build the boat in. But other work and travel got in the way and before we knew it, it was May and we still didn’t have a warehouse to build the cat […]