I set myself a timeline of June to have the first full coat of highbuild on the boat (the extra thick stuff, International Microsurfacer). I am almost on sched. Inserted are various pics in no particular order. I have bogged and sanded just about the entire boat now. Then back filled nicks and marks and […]
Not sure I am catching up but I am making progress. Most of the hull sides including the inside bows under the tramps, and the D section have been bogged and sanded back, so next is a spot fill and another sand. The D sections needs a little more attention, I dont intend for it […]
Not much to show for the last couple of months because sanding is hard to photograph. So its not that I havent been working damn hard on the build, its just that I have not been updating the blog. I know I should, but as I said, the pics dont really show the progress I […]
HAPPY NEW YEAR. Big year this. Very big. 3 (well 4 really but one is still in development and not as date oriented) big events will happen for Jo and I this year. The first is we move into our own new home (its not new, its new to being “ours”) sometime between 12th Jan, […]
Ok, I know I said I would not be repairing the one pointy nose, but….. Fairing is nasty. Its physically hard, boring, dusty, lonely work. I managed 5 hours of it today, and combined with the aches from last nights work shift I feel like a truck hit me, then backed up over me for […]
Lots of words not many pics this post. OK, nose work is on the nose. Thankfully I have pretty much finished them. It took a number of bog runs to get both noses matching and fair to the rest of their respective hull sides as well as being the right (matching) angles, thickness, shape and […]
The natural progression of fairing the flat hull sides is fairing the noses and around to the inboard sides of the hulls, which I intend to fair to the point where the bridgedeck meets the hulls, past that is next to invisible, so only needs a cursory fair, which I have pretty much already given […]
OK, sorry about that. Its been a couple of months since my last update. I have not had a computer as my new tablet stopped taking charge so it had to go back for repair, and my laptop overheats very fast and locks up so I had no way to update. I am updating on […]
Famous last words, but I left off having bogged the port hull from the deck edge around the curve and down the flat side panels to the chine. That first bog screed took me about 6 hours, 4 on the first day, 2 on the next. (I am finding that I can rarely do more […]
Last month, Terry’s cat moved to my shed to be sprayed. The under bridgedeck and inside hulls were done first, then late last week the hull sides were sprayed. Before that, another couple of coats of high build and guide coat were sprayed on and sanded off again. The results speak for themselves. Good fairers/painters […]