….nothing but trouble. Oh, typo my bad, that’s damn hose. Using a 10 litre pressure pot with a gun on the end of 3 meter hoses, the boat has been sprayed in its now final (absolutely positively final) coat of highbuild and a quarter way through the paint feed spray hose blocked. After cleaning the gun […]
….. by that much. Its pretty clear now we are not launching Yikes this year. I set a goal at the start of the year that this would be the year. Alas not. Again. But I am ok with it. I am very close now. So close that I am actually excited by it. I […]
Ok, there have had to be some changes to the plan going forward. All plans going forward. So lets address the Blue Whale in the room…..Sorry Blue Whale (and Sea Turtles and Coral Reefs and Glaciers and Kiribati and Amazonian Rain Forests and Sumatran Tigers in fact, pretty much all of you) we are going […]
Last post I suggested it was really difficult to break out of our pre-existing paradigms. Even though I had decided that aesthetic values are not so important for me anymore I still found myself looking for improvements or disappointed if I did not have as good a “look” as I had hoped, regardless that the […]
I have been fairing a long time. It seems like years. This time last year I had just ground down the hips at the stern of the boat and had started the fairing of the hull sides. The roof had been done about a year before that. The underwater sections and under bridgedecks were done […]
Still fairing the hull sides. Quite a lot of the somewhat expensive Microsurfacer is now dust on the floor. You may recall I rushed to get the Microsurfacer on before I went on holidays. Bit of a mistake. We had a great time in Hawaii, one of the highlights was we swam with turtles from […]
Have you ever had a long weekend coming up and you like to clear your in box or jobs to do list before you leave Friday afternoon and you are well close to finishing that last task when a pile of new work is handed to you? That’s how I felt the next evening when […]
Major moment. I got a glimpse of how the boat could look (in just a few short months). The hull sides are now one color. Although the photos dont show it so much, its not white, its a light grey, but its uniform color and replaces the multicolored hull sides that made it difficult to […]
Ok, I know I said 2 weeks, but I got a little distracted. It wasnt my fault. What happened was my outboard mechanic contacted me to let me know he was finished working on the motors and ready to help me fit them. I, however wasnt ready so I had to switch tasks and get […]
I had hoped to perhaps have the first coat of paint, International Microsurfacer over the entire boat by this time. Instead I have completed the dashboard and helm mount. I still have a few pads to put down for various deck fittings, and stanchions will go in after the final high build just prior to […]