Starboard Hull, Taping hull joins and bulkheads

Only 3 More Bulkheads to Go

Posted by Paul

This past week I managed a couple of 3 hour stints in which I was able to tape 2 bulkheads each time. I coved and taped the 4 bulkhead sides inside 2 of the front 3 sealed buoyancy chambers (between BH1 & 2 and BH2 & 3) leaving just the most forward between BH0 and 1 to do when I turn the hull over (the space is way too small for me to fit into to cove and tape).

Today I started on 2 of the last five sides. These required that I temporarily remove the legs as they are in the way. I made the legs too wide and they are just a little too close to the edge of the hull and over where the tape needs to be in some places. So I undid the screws and clamped the legs out of the way whilst I coved and taped them. It took me abut 3 hours to do the 2 coves and tapes.

Tomorrow, after the tapes are set I will reattach the legs and remove 2 more to cove and tape them. That should take another 3 hours.

That will leave just the rear of BH8 the smallest bulkhead, to do. I will probably get this done in a little over an hour during the week before next weekend which will be the end of the work on this hull whilst it is upside down. Some time in early January I will turn the hull over and get started on some other boat projects such as daggers and cases while I decide where I will join the hulls.

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