Building Logs

No Work on Boat

Posted by Paul

I did not do any work on the boat this weekend due to the mini boat show at Darling Harbor over the weekend and my small participation. I was invited by Dave at Drive Marine to share some of his stand for the show to display the hatches I import for the first time. So I created some display stands out of melamine lined chipboard to simulate the white of a boat deck to display a cross section of the sizes and types of hatches and deck hatches I have. Jo created me a brochure to hand out. I did not sell any hatches at the show but gave out a lot of brochures so hopefully some of these will turn into orders.

I did get one exciting (and in retrospect funny!) lead. Two old guys came to the stand and had a look at the D shape hatch and one asked me if I though it could be used as an escape hatch in a deck. I told them that none of us three (me and the 2 old guys) could fit through it so no. They left and I didn’t give them another thought. Then the next day (Monday) the guy rings me and says he wants to come out and have another look, he will probably still want to buy “some”. I then asked how many he needed as I only had 5 in stock, he said 10,000 and that he would come out on Wednesday, then changed his mind, he might not be able to wait until Wednesday, he may come Tuesday. Well, we all like to think big, but 10,000 hatches at $300 each or even $250 for such a large order, well you do the math. I told Jo that we could hire a team to finish the boat and get ready to retire to the boat! Needless to say, the guy did not turn up Tuesday to Wednesday and we wont be retiring soon. All a bit of a leg pull I think. But you never know, do you? If he ever does come and does buy hatches I will be sure to let you all know.

display stands

Hopefully next weekend I will get the roof linings made and maybe finish the roof off ready for attaching to the boat in December.

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