The ensuite is almost plumbed, the through hull tank exits are the last physical fitting to be fitted and the vanity cabinet glassed in. So I marked the doorway in the shaped vanity front and cut the door out. I had already faired the front as well as I could and also some of the back, although the inside is mostly hidden once the front is glassed on, with only the back of the door ever being seen again. So with the position of the door marked I cut it out with a jigsaw. Cutting the door out reveled how much bog I had needed to fair the front. When I made the front, I molded it by screwing the unglassed polycore sheet to the shelves and framing in the ensuite where the vanity would be fitted, but pulled the middle screw down a bit too tight and it caused a hollow in the panel that I could not see at the time. Once it had set I could run the flat batten over it and could then see the hollow. I filled it and faired it. It is a bit more bog than I like, but the door is thinner than I would like also (I used 10mm core instead of the 20mm I am now using) and was originally going to add a frame around the door and doorway but that wont now be needed.