
Dingy 2 taping.

Posted by Paul

I did a little more work on dingy 2 today. I have trimmed the panels to size and have rounded the sharp edges off them ready for taping. But before I do the external taping I will finish the internal coving and taping so that the lids can be glued on and the taping of the whole boat can be done at one time and then sanded and clear resin coated/painted.

dingy 2 ready to rounddingy 2 roundeddingy 2 rounded to chinedingy 2 internal taping

I did 3 hours work on the boat for a total of 21 hours for me. I should be able to finish the internal coving and taping tomorrow and get the lids on later this week. I am hoping to finish the boat on the weekend.

Tomorrow I should have the keys to the new warehouse so I will include some photos of MM’s new home for the next 3 years until launch, empty. Exiting times.

Time Spent: 00.00 Hours

Total build time so far: 769.00 Hours

Total Elapsed Time: 1 Year 4 months 3 weeks

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