That title should mean a lot of new hits. And possibly a cease and desist from Bill G. But seriously, I have finally got my windows and am close to fitting them. I made the molds from the outcut pieces with a 3mm mdf face attached to make the molds 100mm oversize all around, then […]
In this case it isn’t good news. Its not terrible news. Its just not good news. OK, its bad news, any update that doesnt include launch photos is now bad news. But some things have changed. But first a thank you and apology. The apology is for the delay in updating this blog. Its a […]
Ok, there have had to be some changes to the plan going forward. All plans going forward. So lets address the Blue Whale in the room…..Sorry Blue Whale (and Sea Turtles and Coral Reefs and Glaciers and Kiribati and Amazonian Rain Forests and Sumatran Tigers in fact, pretty much all of you) we are going […]
I had an interesting day today. As I have mentioned once or twice before, every now and then I like to spend time with Jo, not building the boat, but I am also keen to keep working so today I managed to do both quite well. I normally do about 6 or 7 hours work […]
I have glassed the conduit onto the Starboard inside hull bow after having glued and bogged it earlier in the day. I carefully removed the screws holding the conduit in place as the glue and bog was still wet so whilst it was held in place ok the glue was green and only a few […]