I had hoped to perhaps have the first coat of paint, International Microsurfacer over the entire boat by this time. Instead I have completed the dashboard and helm mount. I still have a few pads to put down for various deck fittings, and stanchions will go in after the final high build just prior to […]
I set myself a timeline of June to have the first full coat of highbuild on the boat (the extra thick stuff, International Microsurfacer). I am almost on sched. Inserted are various pics in no particular order. I have bogged and sanded just about the entire boat now. Then back filled nicks and marks and […]
Not sure I am catching up but I am making progress. Most of the hull sides including the inside bows under the tramps, and the D section have been bogged and sanded back, so next is a spot fill and another sand. The D sections needs a little more attention, I dont intend for it […]
Last month, Terry’s cat moved to my shed to be sprayed. The under bridgedeck and inside hulls were done first, then late last week the hull sides were sprayed. Before that, another couple of coats of high build and guide coat were sprayed on and sanded off again. The results speak for themselves. Good fairers/painters […]
Sometimes it seems that nothing is being done. Sometimes its because nothing is being done. I think this time is a mix of both. Three weeks since the last post update, and for one of those weeks I was away in Melbourne seeing my family for the first time in a long time. Also taking […]
After the successful nose job last month I finally got my hips reduced. Turned out to be a bit bigger job than I had hoped, at least with the port hip, but now its done I am quite pleased. And with the rear steps final shape created, the hips not only became more visible but […]
When the nose cones were first shaped I ran out of foam. And I was desperately broke (still broke just not desperately any more), so could not buy more. I even made a ply box to go inside the foam nose to stretch the foam I had go just a little further. I ended up […]
I think I have just about used all of the plays on the word step for post title so no more step right up or step in the right direction. The boat is nearly completely closed. What that means is that the core will soon be completely enclosed by glass or filler everywhere on the […]
Easter weekend and it has finally cooled. It has rained all weekend which would probably suck if the boat was finished but is great boat building weather. There is nothing else to distract you to do other things that nice weather creates and my shed is dry. Dusty, but dry. In a shed there is […]
The davits, which I made a few years ago are finally glued and glassed into the boat. And the boat has its long awaited bath. Its glued in and glassed where it can be (under the overhang against the walls of the gas tank wells). The outboard hatches doors are fitted and a little of […]