Since the excitement of last weekends move not much has happened. I had to go to Melbourne on Wednesday until Friday and this weekend was spent moving stuff from one warehouse to the other. I hand the keys of the old warehouse back next Saturday as the agents have found a new tenant to take […]
Whilst I was a little nervous about moving the hulls I needn’t have been. It was as easy as I described in yesterdays log. With 9 guys and a 40ft trailer these hulls are really easy to move. Its easy to make it sound like nothing after the fact but it really was no trouble. […]
Jo and I have done everything we can in preparation for the hull move tomorrow. We have cleaned the old warehouse out of as much stuff as we can, swept and vacuumed as much dust up as we could and moved the overturned hull (the one on the cradles) all the way over to the […]
I finally got the keys to the new warehouse today. I have taken a 3 year lease and I am hoping that I can finish the boat in that time. I have an option for an additional year if needed but Jo and I are aiming to spend New Years Eve 2009 on the boat […]
This month I will be moving into a new warehouse with enough room to finish the boat but more importantly the ability to easily get the boat out. I may even get to join the hulls this month but that very much depends on how soon I am able to move the hulls over and […]