Not much happening here. And I have little to report. But nevertheless here we are. Is anyone still reading? I dont expect there would be many left. To those that are still here I guess you are probably sick of reading me apologise for lack of posting, but I really dont know what to post […]
In parts of Australia today was a public holiday including where I live in Sydney but not in Melbourne where the company I work for is based so I still had to do some work but still got the afternoon to work on the boat. The work I did was to set up all of […]
Today was a low visual impact day. I worked most of the day at setting out the first of the frames for the cabin top mold. As is usual with set up work, it is slow going (at least it is with me as I measure and measure again, level and check again…you get the […]
The promised cool change arrived and today we had near perfect boat building weather, it rained most of the day! Not perfect because it was still a bit warmer than ideal at about 26 degrees but not stifling and not hot sun cooking the shed. I managed to get done all that I set out […]
The weather is stifling hot. It is already hitting 35 degrees and it is only the first week of October. It is going to be a long hot summer. A cool change is due tonight but it is still forecast to be 28 degrees tomorrow, which means 38 on the boat! Today I cut 2 […]
I decided that the cockpit step was too wide and too deep, it was 2500mm wide across the cockpit and 300mm deep into it. I tried only 1500mm wide at only 150mm but the step was not deep enough and I figured if being too narrow there was a risk of slipping or tripping off […]
The heat is restricting the productive work time. And there are 6 months of this to look forward to. Whilst building the boat I much prefer winter to summer (of course once it is done I will be chasing an endless summer!). I have a plan for when the boat is closed in and the […]
Because I am making the cockpit seating from parts and offcuts I have formed a number of smaller pieces into 3 larger panels, one piece curves around the port side of the boat around where the breakfast table will be, the other side (starboard side) also has a number of parts formed into a single […]
I am ready to start working on the cabin top whenever I decide I am too impatient to wait any longer to get started and am willing to put up with making it under the bridgedeck. I have the underwing area clean and I have the strongback ready to put in place as a platform […]
Jo was at a loose end today so I convinced her to come and help me fair the forebeam. I am so glad she decided to help out because in the end I helped her bog the beam. I started out by hand sanding the beam with the long boards. The hand sanding is really […]