I had hoped to perhaps have the first coat of paint, International Microsurfacer over the entire boat by this time. Instead I have completed the dashboard and helm mount. I still have a few pads to put down for various deck fittings, and stanchions will go in after the final high build just prior to […]
Another week where I got little done, I had a trip to Melbourne on Monday, and meetings in Sydney all day Thursday, and another body part starting to show wear and tear. I must have slept in a strange position on Monday night, exhausted after a really long day in Melbourne, a 9am meeting meant […]
Another day where the hours just seemed to fly by with little or nothing done. I sanded the glue joins on the bedroom walls and the bulkhead both sides ready to glass the join. I don’t think I will tape them separately, the plans call for the whole of bulkhead 5 to be glassed both […]
Today I cut the offcuts needed to make the parts that will raise the height of the saloon back bulkhead and so raise the height of the dashboard by 120mm and in turn the headroom in the berths by the same 120mm. The outside of the boat is not affected by this change as this […]