In order to fit the foredeck over the already attached catwalk I had to cut the catwalk out of the deck and the space below it and then glue the cut out piece back in under the catwalk. I did that today but first I had to trim back the bridgedeck overhang. Once I had […]
As I predicted I did not get any work done during the week as I recovered from my knee operation. I got to the shed on Friday but more just to take delivery from my new friend Terry (building an Easy 11 meter) who kindly offered me the stainless steel rods I need for inside […]
The catwalk is now glassed into the boat. Yesterday I did some coving with the intention of shaping it today with the sander as opposed to my usual practice of coving and glassing wet on wet. It was set enough to do that but I regretted the decision within minutes! Sanding and grinding upside down […]
Another milestone day. The catwalk is now a part of the boat and is glued in place. I finished fairing the top of the catwalk sides today, actually I created some work for myself yesterday, the resin from the underside coat dripped under and onto the top sides (the catwalk was upside down at the […]
Very slow progress this week. In fact at one stage I actually went backwards! The foam shapes sides are glued to duflex sides and to glass it all I rounded the square underside inside edge so the glass would wrap around so it is glass on balsa rounded edge. There is nothing wrong with this […]
Some jobs have a very high satisfaction level. For me there are many of them, especially those that are what I would call milestone moment, things that everyone building must do to get a finished boat (well all jobs fit into that category but some are highly visual). Like fitting a major piece like the […]
The foam stiffening battens I glued on yesterday were still a little green but on well enough for me to round the tops with a router. I then cleaned it up with some sandpaper just hand held. I started by cutting the uni strips that will cove the tops of the foam battens and the […]
I had some visitors today so I didn’t quite get as much done as I would have liked but I always welcome visitors, they make the building much more fun. I love chatting about boats, my boat or anyone else’s. I did get the stiffening frame glued to the catwalk underside. Tomorrow I will round […]
I needed to fill some gaps in the sides of the foam joins as I underestimated the shape and size again (I also did that with the daggers due to a kink in them) but as with the daggers, backfilling the gaps was a simple matter if not a little time consuming. I cut the […]
The catwalk sides are shaped ready to be glassed. I have to fill some gaps where I did not quite manage to sand out the joins (due to cutting the foam a touch narrow). No matter, some thickened glue will fix that easily. I shaped the sides using a belt sander to knock the majority […]