I had a great day today working on the boat. The fun I have building is hard to put into words. I could work much faster at times but why rush when I get so much enjoyment from it. I worked all day, well 10am to 6pm, and managed to fillet and glass the bow […]
Last Tuesday I had my arthroscopy operation on my left knee. It was completely painless and over in less than a day. I went in at 9.30am and was home in bed by 3.30pm. I was fairly tired and slept the rest of the day but the next day I was up and about and […]
The panels are going on quite easily so far. I shouldn’t tempt fate with such fighting words though. The next panel should also be easy enough, the outboard large panel but then I have the dreaded chamfer panel. Actually I am fairly confident this time as it really wasn’t that difficult to fit first time […]
After a slow start to the week, (I didn’t get anything done on Sunday due to feeling a little ill, I have a cold and yesterday I spent the morning at the orthopedic surgeon being assessed for arthroscopy on my knee) today I got the next panel attached to the hull and the outboard panel […]
I got back to working on the boat today. I filled the joins between the deck panels between bulkhead 0 and 1 so that I can cove and tape the inside of the joins tomorrow before adding the next pair of panels. These 2 panels, once added will make the space at the bow too […]
Today my knee improved markedly because I couldn’t get a decent sleep with my knee strapped so I decided to remove the strapping (bandages holding the joint still) and awoke to much less pain and walking did not make it worsen during the day. So my home doctoring was actually making it worse. And to […]
Still hobbling, I see the sports doc on Wednesday and fear it may need an operation. Nevertheless I still managed to attach the outboard bilge panel. It only took a couple of hours so I am confident I will get the other side up tomorrow. Then the bigger panels may take a little longer and […]
Perhaps I would not have had time to glass the bilge panels yesterday even if I wasn’t hobbling around as it took me 3 hours to complete the job today but then I was also hobbling around today, but it didn’t seem like it was slowing me down all that much today. I have to […]
Today the hull planking started. Unfortunately due to my worsening knee injury, it is progressing slowly. It took me all day, 8 hours just to attach the keel boards. I didn’t even manage to glass the next panels, so that will happen tomorrow but that means that the next panels wont be lifted into place […]
With the bulkheads all stood, checked, braced and re checked I am ready to start attaching the hull panels, starting with the keel boards. I have glassed them in the places adjacent to bulkheads 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 where the plans call for reinforcement so that the tapes that join the bulkhead to […]