This month marks the 3 year anniversary of starting the build. In early October 2005 I started making the strongback and on 24 October 2005 I started gluing the first duflex panels together on the strongback. It seems a lifetime ago and the time has flown by. Before I started I set myself a 5 year build time, and with 3 years down I still believe I can finish the boat in 2 more years or less. I am sure I will have the hull at lock up by Christmas meaning that fairing and fittings such as stanchions aside (and the mast tubes and shaped bows) the rest of the work will be fit out inside the boat or off the boat work such as rudder boxes and rudders. Many builders have told me the shell is less than half the work and whilst I don’t doubt what they are telling me, I cant see how the inside could take me more than 2 years to do, including all wiring and plumbing. These builders also completely faired their boats inside and I wont be fairing much if any of the inside, I may have to fair the bathrooms as they will be painted but I still hold out hope of using linings even in the bathrooms. This month I am hoping to finally get a start on the cabin roof, if I can get it made this month I am sure to have it fitted and glued in November and also have the wrap around panels on in November to finally close the cabin in.