The bridgedeck is now glued at 3 of the 4 spanning bulkheads. Today I glued the stern bulkhead at the duckboard. This was relatively simple as the other 2 bulkheads are now glued solid so the panel does not move now when I jack it up. I had it absolutely perfectly lined up before gluing the first bulkheads and as I jacked it up it moved slightly, about 5mm so that it is slightly off centre left to right and about 5mm further forward on the port side. This is a negligible amount and easily fixed by shaping the hull panels to fit the difference although ironically the front is still square and the kerf lines still run absolutely parallel to the front bulkhead. In % terms 5mm is less than 1 tenth of 1% out over the 7.5 meter deck. Now that it is up and once I add a little duflex where it is short (5mm?) or plane off a bit where it is long and fill the side joins there will be no evidence that there was ever a problem.
The next step is to glue the bow. This is a more complicated job than the other three bulkhead as I also have to glue the kerfs up and around the web shape at the forward end of the deck. I will dry fit it first and once it fits then if time permits I will glue the panel to the bulkhead and glue the kerf all in one go, but if I find I have some time but not enough to finish I may just glue the bulkhead then the kerf the next time.