Building Logs

Back to The Boat

Posted by Paul

They say a week is a long time in politics (or football). I have learnt that a month is a very short time in boatbuilding. At least is seems that way. The month is gone and from a combination of interstate business and the Sanctuary Cove boat show week (which with the drive consumed 2 weekends), I have not managed to accomplish much on the boat this month.

I find myself still spending all of my efforts avoiding fairing! But I am working on the boat. Slowly. I tried the idea of adding chopped glass into the coving filler. It did help to keep the mix from sagging but I must have had the strands way too long because it was really hard to work with in that if you had to touch up an area you pulled on strands that pulled and moved on an area that was not in need of re shaping. This is equally frustrating. In the colder weather I am finding that the filler is taking longer to set and this only makes runs in the cove inevitable. I will try really short chopped strands in the next mix and keep experimenting. I am bound to get the right mix sooner or later. I spent another 4 hours but only managed to get one bulkhead coved and glassed.

I hope to finally have this hull turned some time in June. Probably 2 months late but who’s counting.

Time Spent: 23.00 Hours
Total build time so far: 378.00 Hours Total Elapsed Time: 8 Months 4 weeks

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